Easy Heroku Deploys with Heroku San
We deploy a great deal of our apps to Heroku, but maintaining multiple environments (staging, production, demo) was traditionally very painful.
heroku_san is a simple set of rake tasks to make standard Rails deployment easy. Multiple apps, environments, branches and users are handled with the minimum of effort.
Initial Setup
I won’t bore you with the details of installing the gem and including the rake tasks, but you need to know that heroku_san works by using a YAML file with shorthand versions of your Heroku application names. It looks like this:
# shorthand: heroku app
production: awesomeapp
staging: awesomeapp-staging
demo: awesomeapp-demo
First Time
If this app has never been deployed to Heroku, you will need to create the remote applications. heroku_san can do this for you, using the data in config/heroku.yml.
rake all heroku:create
Most multi-app deployments change the environment to something different for each app, allowing you to override things like S3 buckets, email policies, etc. heroku_san is happy to handle this too, it assumes you want the RACK_ENV set to the shorthand name of the application.
# set RACK_ENV on each application to the shorthand:
# awesomeapp-staging => staging
# awesomeapp-demo => demo
rake all heroku:rack_env
The old Heroku stack (aspen) requires you to use a Gem manifest (.gems) to list the gems your application depends on. heroku_san can auto-populate this using config.gem requirements for Rails 2 applications.
rake heroku:gems
Everyday Use
rake staging deploy # deploy staging and migrate
rake production console # open a console for production
rake demo staging heroku:share # add a new developer to demo and staging
rake all heroku:unshare # remove a developer from all apps
Deploying always uses the current branch, so be careful! Occasionally you might need to force a deploy, especially if you’re deploying multiple feature branches to the same app.
rake staging deploy # deploy current branch to staging
rake staging force_deploy # force deploy current branch to staging
Only One App?
If you’re only using one app, you can skip the server names and just issue the commands directly.
rake deploy # deploy the only app you have configured
rake console # open a console on your single app
heroku_san works entirely by using the git and heroku binaries. So if you’re ever curious about how a command works or need to debug something you can just watch the screen as you run a command to see exactly what it’s up to.
rake staging deploy
# git push git@heroku.com:awesomeapp-staging.git master:master && \
# heroku rake --app awesomeapp-staging db:migrate && \
# heroku restart --app awesomeapp-staging
Even More!
A full list of commands heroku_san provides is available in the README.
Special Thanks
Thanks to Glenn Roberts, who was kind enough to convert heroku_san from a Rails plugin into a gem, making updates a breeze.