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Elijah Miller

02 Mar 2009

Use Instant Debugger on Rare Exceptions

Most of the time a backtrace can help you zero in on a bug in your code quickly, but sometimes the issue is not your code but the data your code is processing. In these cases, a backtrace is just a clue to your problems, you really need to see what data your code was processing to get a feel for the issue.

You could throw in some statements to print out certain variables to “see” what your code “sees” at that point in time, but there is a far easier way.

Your friend: debugger

The excellent ruby-debug gem lets you open up an instance of irb wherever you put a call to debugger. If you haven’t already, check out the excellent 30 second guide to ruby-debug. Just type in “irb” when the debugger triggers to get a live irb session with the current state.

Normally this is more than enough to fix the problematic data/code. Today though I was iterating through a rather large set of data for importing from CSV. The problem data was something like 5 minutes into the import. I needed to open the debugger at the instant of the problem data and not on the thousands of rows of good data that preceded it.

Start on a dime

A light when off in my head after a few minutes of stumbling around in console. Why not just wrap the offending bit of code in a rescue block and only open the debugger at that instant? I give you Instant Debug.

rows.each do |row|
  rescue => err
    require 'ruby-debug'
    1 # no-op so the debugger can land in this context

Now if this code fails for any reason, we can see the exact state of the application that caused this problem. We are able to reproduce the issue easily by calling Item.create!(row) and we can even modify row to see if we can fix bad data.

A helpful hint: Because you want to be able to trigger the problem easily, you should wrap the rescue block as tightly around the problematic code as possible.